Friday, March 4, 2011

Plastic Clear Car Covers


Cement pro-common so dies the study area the annual Legambiente "Environment Italy" the data of cement that is consuming increasing the soil and contributes to landslides in difficult weather conditions: "Each year covered 500 square kilometers." At the head of Lombardy, Veneto and Campania. For local governments is a way to cash in and cover the running costs of Cianciulli ANTONIO The rains that turn into a death trap, as has just happened in the Marches? Blame the changing climate and weather sealed, but also the advance of the asphalt which reduces the ability of soil to capture water. The land use is alarming, but not all data are reliable moving. A reliable point of reference is the last edition of the report Environment Italy, curated by experts Legambiente. In Italy - says the research - are consumed on average more than 500 square kilometers of land per year. It 's like a four-monthly check equal to the area urbanized city of the municipality of Milan. Summing up what has been covered by concrete and asphalt will reach a staggering number: 2,350,000 hectares. It 'an area equivalent to that of Puglia and Molise put together, ie 7.6% of the country, almost 400 square feet of asphalt for every Italian. This pressure - measured by Legambiente and through the National Institute of Urban Research Center consumption of soil, with the scientific support of the Department of Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano - has been reinforced over the past 15 years. Make up the stock of the consumption of soil was taken in 2010: Lombardy, was leading with 14% of artificial surfaces in the Veneto region followed with 11%, with 10.7% in Campania, Lazio and Emilia Romagna with 9%. A trend, although from a different situation is affecting even areas that retain a strong rural character as Molise, Puglia and Basilicata. "We should do like in many European countries that are putting a brake on urbanization and wilderness - said the president of Legambiente Vittorio Cogliati Dezza - But in the last decree Milleproroghe it does exactly the opposite. It allows municipalities, for the next two years, use 75% of infrastructure costs for running costs: it means to get them to issue permits to build, even where new development would be required to pay the salaries of employees. " The result of this method of fund raising by municipalities is that in Naples and Milan, in 2007, the impermeable surfaces covering 62% of the soil. A lot of homes too often empty. In the same city in which the emergency evictions is heavier, almost one million homes are empty because economically unattainable by those who aspire to occupy. In Italy, in short, do not you bet on the recovery of the existing but on the conversion of new areas, not built to provide housing to people who need them but "to meet the financial and real estate speculation." (March 4, 2011)


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