Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Transformer Dinosaur Show


careful, gentle readers are cautioned that this is a post-existentialist.

I think I'd be a great poet .. regularly but I have to open our eyes and pass me the desire to write poetry.
The poet should be absorbed, yes, but unconnected with the facts, an observer should be able to keep details that are beyond the ordinary mind and make them stand out, and made those who experienced them can then review them and dye of another color not realistic to think .. suggested it to him, the poet, the poet saves lives.
But I remain too involved and the poet do not know ... Maybe I'm too cowardly.
Or maybe I'm just selfish .. my color palette for those who do not waste proves worthy.
I do not know, the verdict always varies depending on your point of view.
Some might be ambiguous .. but for others at the same time all too clear. It 'hard to move the points of view when you are too involved.
I realized that I spent all my life to find the courage to live only for myself, and you know why? ... Note that this is a revelation felt ... So I would find a justification for the fact that I leave always all.
It 's easier to react so rather than accept that a move is part of the natural flow of events .. but I'm touchy and do not swallow: /
And here I close .. the speech ..

preparatory Tale of the Day:
Milhaus falls in love with Lisa.
Lisa does not know how to tell him that she loves him not break his heart.
the end he understands that to be a bit 'rough tells him how things are and he looks at her and asks: "Is there really no chance you could love me?"
and she says: "One In A Million ", Milhaus lights of joy and exclaimed," Yay, then I have a chance! ".

Moral: The lovers decide if you stick to your love or to reality. It 's a lifestyle choice and both options are unacceptable.

Thank you all.